Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stupidest Decision Ever: The Sequel

Have you ever done something so stupid to yourself that your continually repeat "WTF!" "Whhyy are you doing this dumb dumb!" over and over and over and by that time of course it's far too late to stop the hands of time.
The first time I ever really had this feeling was when Gord and I decided to hop in the car for a lovely winter walk (did I mention it was -30c inland on this particular day??) along blomidon beach. Of course, in Kentville, it was cold but bearable without appropriate winter attire. So I went to Blomidon sans hat, mittens or boots (I wore running shoes, yes running shoes - dumb dumb!) I had frostbite on  my hands and feet so badly from everything getting wet (I had to run through 4 foot high snow and ended up cracking some ice and getting my feet soaked again) we had to sit in the car for at least 30 minutes before the numbness ceased enough that I could hold the steering wheel, never-mind feeling the pedals.

So today I got up knowing I planned to venture over to Yongsan E-Mart to check out bikes. I've been renting one along the Han River the last couple of nights and it just seems like it will be cheaper (and a lot more practical) to just buy my own. Then I'm not restricted to a 1 hour ride along the river and I can take it to school, different parks, the grocery store, etc. My apartment was very hot when I woke up this morning so I knew it was going to be a gross day outside. I put on a light skirt sans leggings and ran out the door.

After school, as planned I took a cab over to Yangsan I-Park Mall. I checked out E-mart where they only had kiddie bikes, but I was able to pick up a 12 pack bag of my favorite yogurt! I then ventured into I-Park Mall remembering I had seen bikes there. I found the place with the bikes, found a city-bike I really liked at a reasonable price haggled a bit, got a basket and a lock thrown in and was on my way. I - Park Mall for anyone whose been there is a complete and utter maze. It's dizzying and can leave you completely turned around, upside down and backwards. I found myself outside, carefully brought the bike down a four- story out-door escalator and was so relieved to finally be outside! Little did I know things were just getting started....

I didn't recognize completely where I was in relation to the subway exits outside the mall. The map I had brought was useless so I took my best guess carefully made my way down the road. The sidewalks were packed, I was showing far too much leg so I walked my bike until I finally saw street signs for a bridge! Good news because Bridge = water = han river! I knew if I biked along the Han long enough, I could find the pedestrian under-pass bridge and make my way back to Gangnam on the other side of the river where I live.
If I was in a marathon, I would not only have failed miserably, but I would have been told I was banned for life. The river was quite breezy in a skirt and not only that, but I managed to get a gash on the back of my leg (The size of a toonie!) that was dripping blood everywhere down my leg and the heel of my foot. Such a lovely sight I'm sure! I had my yogurt strapped the the back of the bike, my big tote bag for school taking up the entire basket (and putting the front of the bike horribly off balance!) As I biked my skirt continued to fly up. I'm fairly certain I flashed half the population of Seoul on my ride home. That and I had to bike most of the way with one hand and a very unsteady front end (because of my bag in the basket!)to keep my skirt from flying up any further. To top it all off when I finally got to Sinsa (soooo close to home!) a bird shit on my arm! What are the odds eh? I also forgot to mention that the day still hasn't cooled off. The feels - like temp with the humidity had to be at least 30 this entire time. Several hours later I'm pooped (lets not forget lung infection, sinus infection and a broken rib are all currently still plaguing me!), thirsty with an arm covered in bird shit and a really bloody leg.

So is this deserving of stupidest decision ever installment 2? I think so. I mean, who in there right mind buys a bike wearing only a really light, flow-y not quite knee length skirt?? Dumb-dumb.
Lovely fold up city- bike! My new wheels :) 
Cheers for now,

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I'm an avid traveler, photographer, pianist, crafter and lover of random things. As I commence new adventures, I'll share my journeys with you here!
