Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mud Puddle

So I finally ventured out of Seoul for what has been dubbed the biggest party of the year. If enjoyed a weekend of sun, mud and beach at Mudfest at Daechon Beach. On Saturday the day started out a little spotty. We were on the beach and it was looking slightly overcast. Before we knew it, we were caught in a torrential downpour that ended up turning our umbrellas inside out. Eventually the sun made a second appearance and decided to stick around for the weekend. We got painted with mud in a variety of colours and spent the rest of the day lazing around the beach taking everything in. I didn't realize how much I actually missed the ocean and swimming until yesterday. Growing up by the sea, I suppose it's one of those things that's built into your character somehow.
On Sunday I woke up nursing a bad, and very spotty sunburn. The intense heat of the sun left me with no hope, and I ended up burning even worse. I'm going to blame it on the solid month of rain we've had in Seoul since mid June. My poor pale skin didn't stand a chance against the blazing hot sun above the yellow sea.
Overall, the weekend was a great time to catch up with friends, get messy and have fun on the beach! I need to make a point to get out of the city more often, there's so much to see out there!
Cheers for now,

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I'm an avid traveler, photographer, pianist, crafter and lover of random things. As I commence new adventures, I'll share my journeys with you here!
