Sunday, August 14, 2011

Paradise Found: 동대문 종합시장 (Dongdaemun Market)

I've been to Dongaemun Market a few times since arriving in Seoul. The first time, I didn't really know where to go and stuck to the 'outdoor' areas. Recently, I did a little research looking into where to get beading supplies and found out that Dongdaemun was the place to go.

The shopping complex consists of 4 interconnected buildings (aptly name 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D') spanning an entire square block. The entire market is a crafter's haven. You can find any fabrics, textiles and accessories and much more here. Most importantly, they 5th floor of the entire market is devoted to beads, findings and anything you could possibly ever imagine for making your own jewelry. Needless to say the first time I went, I  nearly died. I was completely under prepared for how overwhelming this shopping experience was going to be. There were so many things, so much selection and an overwhelming number of vendors. I ended up losing sight of what it was I actually needed and left purchasing only enough to get me off the ground.

Throughout the week, I made a list of what I actually needed. I returned to the market yesterday more composed, with a bottle of vitamin water, a baggie of cheerios, my list and nothing but time. I ended up taking my time, finding everything I needed and even a little more. There are certainly deals to be had if you are willing to spend the time to look around. I ended up finding baggies of seed beads for W500 (50 cents for you North Americans) and every 5th bag I bought was free. There are lots of different items you won't find in North American stores. Different varieties of glass beads, pendants and even some metal pieces that I haven't seen anywhere's else (and trust me, I have done A LOT of bead shopping since taking it up as a hobby about 5 years ago). It just astounds me that I have been here for 6 months and had no idea this many beads were sitting right in my own backyard the entire time!

Does this mean the return of my bead shop? Possibly. 
Has it enriched my life? Fully. 
Will I be going back next weekend? Most likely. 
Can you all expect a 'Baby Got Beads' special order as your Christmas gift? Yes. 

I'll leave you with a few photos I snapped at the market yesterday. 
My bead tray - a sauce plate from Daiso.

You can get any beads you could possibly imagine, and more at 동대문.

Lots of bulk strands, at good prices.

The beads just keep on going... forever.
Happy Beading!


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I'm an avid traveler, photographer, pianist, crafter and lover of random things. As I commence new adventures, I'll share my journeys with you here!
